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This is me

I travel barefoot and happy on gravel roads; 
I'm plain and simple, as you can see - 
I even drink my coffee on the go!
This is Me.  


I live on the edge and seek refuge from my demons - daily;
Confinement is obviously not my cup of tea. 
What I desire the most, is to love unconditionally. 
This is Me. 


I think of things more than I like to talk; 
About me?  Nothing much extraordinary... 
I like cycling, reading, working and long walks.
This is Me. 


I'm also a wine-lover, not at all a connoisseur!
I feel comforted by the bushveld but my heart's at sea; 
Yellow and red - It is sunsets that my soul prefers! 
This is Me. 


We all want a witness to our lives, isn't that the meaning of it all? 
Living a full life with no one to share, has no meaning don't you agree?
My wish is that I lived the best life I could, come the day I fall.  
This is Me. 


The First Word with Em 
My blog, my thoughts, my life, my travels, and the things I see ;
Now you know part of who I am.
This is Me.


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